Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

 Admiral Jack E. Buffington served thirty-four years in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps, wherein he rose to the position of Chief of Engineers and Commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command in charge of navy contracting and public works worldwide.  He was in charge of an annual workload of $7 billion dollars with over 22,000 employees.  In addition, he represented the 24,000 active and reserve Seabees and Civil Engineer Corps officers throughout in the Navy.

An expert in public works and transportation engineering, Admiral Buffington is a member of several professional societies including the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Arkansas Academy of Civil Engineers, which he helped to found, and the Society of American Military Engineers. For thirteen years Buffington managed the University of Arkansas, Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center (MBTC), either as Director or Associate Director.  


2023 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

Awarded to Fan Bu, Ph.D., Industrial Engineering student, for his poster on "Modeling Dynamic Behavior of Navigable Inland Waterways". Fan is a student of Dr. Heather Nachtmann.


Pictured:  Heather Nachtmann, Fan Bu (poster winner), and Jack Buffington.



2019 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

Awarded to Basem Alkheel for his poster on "Data Simulation for Interdependence Modeling, Coordination and Emergency Response with Application in Multimodal Transportation".  Alkheel is a Ph.D.  Industrial Engineering student under the supervision of Dr. Haitao Liao.


Pictured: Jack Buffington, Heather Nachtmann, Basem Alkheel (poster winner), and Kevin Hall.



2018 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

Awarded to Eddie Gallarno and Ashley Johnson for their poster on "Trade-Off Analytics for Infrastructure Preservation". 
Gallarno and Johnson are Industrial Engineering students under the supervision of Dr.Greg Parnell and Dr. Ed Pohl.


 Pictured: Eddie Gallarno (poster winner), Ashley Johnson, and Kevin Hall. 



2017 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

Awarded to Maggie Langston and Christine Lozano for their poster on “Corrosion-tolerant pre-stressed CFRP fatigue retrofits for improved waterway lock reliability”.  

Langston and Lozano are Civil Engineering Students under the supervision of Dr. Gary Prinz.

poster 2017

Pictured:  Kevin Hall, Maggie Langston, Christine Lozano (poster winner), Jack Buffington, and Heather Nachtmann.



2016 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

Awarded to Khatereh Ahadi for her poster presentation of “Efficient Dredging Strategies for Improving Transportation Infrastructure Resilience”.  

Ahadi is an Industrial Engineering Ph.D. student working with Dr. Kelly Sullivan.


Pictured: Heather Nachtmann, Khatereh Ahadi, and Jack Buffington.



2015 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

And again the Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award goes to....Richard Deschenes Jr.

Deschenes presented his poster on pavement Alkali-Silica reactions in Arkansas at the 2015 Mack-Blackwell Advisory Board Meeting.                 

His work is sponsored by the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department.


Pictured: Heather Nachtmann, Richard Deschenes Jr., Jack Buffington, and Kevin Hall.



2014 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award

Richard Deschenes Jr. is the winner of the 2014 Jack Buffington Outstanding Student Poster Award. 

Deschenes presented his poster on pavement Alkali-Silica reactions in Arkansas at the 2014 Mack-Blackwell Advisory Board Meeting. 

He is a civil engineering graduate student working under the supervision of Professor Micah Hale.     


Pictured:  Heather Nachtmann, Richard Deschenes Jr., Kevin Hall, and Jack Buffington.